Your second month brought about a lot of changes! You grew from 7lbs at birth to 10lbs! You started really looking at us and watching our faces...
You started learning how to dress up for certain occasions by wearing a tie...

You smiled for the first time! You were moving around when I took this picture, but I had to get a shot of that first toothless grin!

We went on our first road trip with you to our friend's graduation-you did great!

Your second month was great because you were still young enough to sleep anywhere-like your highchair!

From very early on you and your Daddy have had a special relationship-you started "talking" to him every morning before he left for work...

...You two are the best buddies!

By the end of the second month you were "talking" more and more, smiling, and really interacting... even started sitting in your Bumbo seat, which you loved because you felt like a big boy-more of that independent streak showing!

But growing boys need rest, and you were the best little napper. Month Two was a blast getting glimpses of who you were and what was to come...
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