The Fourth Month
Wow, was month four ever the busiest for you! You accomplished so many "firsts" this month!
You helped celebrate Daddy's first Father's Day and you made him this picture! I think you were pretty proud of yourself, I know your Daddy was proud!
You had your first taste of watermelon and your taste buds were in love!
You saw fireworks for the first time and completely surprised us by how much you liked them! I really thought you would be scared and cry, but you were mesmerized!
...Of course I was worried about the noise hurting your ears, but you could have cared less!
You swung in a swing for the first time and you didn't show a lot of expression, so I don't really know how you felt about that.
And sadly, you got your first ear infection :( But you loved the pink medicine you had to take!
We took our first family vacation! We drove down to Florida and you were the best baby passenger ever!
We took you to the beach for the first time in Florida and you became a lifelong fan, I just know it!
You started sitting up more and more on your own, but we cheated every now and then with pillows.
You really started enjoying being outside and would get so relaxed when we took walks in your stroller. You hated when it was time to come inside...still do!
Your Daddy gave you your first taste of french fries (of course it was the inside soft potato and you didn't get any of the good part of the french fry-and we all know the whole point of eating french fries is for the fried factor, but you didn't know) and you loved it! Just look at that face!
Month four was truly incredible as you really started growing and changing fast! You were quickly leaving behind your infancy and turning into a baby on the go more and more every day!

so crazy that was 8 months ago! It is nuts how much he is grown! My how I love that boy!