Month Nine was crazy busy-but a blast!
It was your first Thanksgiving! You ate some turkey, cranberry, sauce, stuffing, rolls, and your Daddy even gave you pie!
Right on the heels of the Thanksgiving came Christmas!
The lights on the tree, the decorations, around the house, and the stockings on the banister made you squeal with pure delight! Every morning when we came downstairs you would love to flip the light switch to turn the lights on the Christmas tree!
Right before Christmas we had our first snowfall for the year!
You were not a fan of snow.
We did introduce you to our annual tradition of the candle shop and picking out a new Christmas candle. The shop kept you so enthralled that you didn't make a peep the whole time!
I may have gotten a little caught up in the Christmas story, but you did make one cute shepherd!
Christmas morning you did not disappoint! You were so curious about everything and you dug right into your stocking!
You favorite gift by far was your Tonka truck!
By the end of month nine you were well on your way to toddler hood. You kept us busy, laughing, learning, and taught us more every day!
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