The Fifth Month
We had a blast getting to know you as grew and grew.
You finally found your thumb during the fifth month- I cannot begin to tell you how this made life easier for me, I uh, mean you :)
You became a huge fan of homemade biter biscuits which you somehow manged to bite through!
You were not a fan of peas!
You were at that stage where we could do just about anything to you and you would let us; you didn't know enough yet to protest our antics.
You really started enjoying the water!
And I'm glad I have picture proof, you started cruising during your fifth month! I could hardly believe it, but here you are going up and down the couch-more of that independent streak!
Your aunts brought you back this very cool hat from Peru and you were a trooper to let us all take a million pictures of you wearing it-of course, at this point you were used to all the cameras all the time.
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