Wilson is now in his official last year of single digit ages as he'll be 10 next year. He is so excited to join his big brothers in pre-teen/teenhood. Secretly I'm going to enjoy every last minute I can of their fleeting childhoods and enjoy my incredible nine year old! Without further ado here is Wilson's official 9 year birthday interview!

What is your favorite color: Blue, dark blue (said like 'Bond, James Bond)
What is your favorite thing to play: Legos, like my Mario Legos and magnaformers

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch: Homemade lunchables
What is your favorite thing to wear: My dinosaur t-shirts. My favorite one is the 'Pizzasaurus' one!
What is your favorite thing to do outside: Swimming
What is your favorite holiday: Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthdays, and..what's the turkey one? Oh yeah, Thanksgiving
What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Hole-in-Ones, sausage, and bacon
What do you want to be when you grow up: I want to be a movie producer and director
What is your favorite movie: Spider-Man, No way Home, Infinity Wars, and Extinct
What is your favorite game: Paper Telephone
What is your favorite fruit: Well it's watermelon, but it's actually my entire favorite food!
What is your favorite song: My Lighthouse and Sky Full of Stars
Who's your best friend: My family, my brothers, and Asher
What is your favorite animal: I have so many, but for now I'll just say cheetah.
What is your favorite drink: Applejuice
What is your favorite book: The Worst Book books
What is your favorite special treat: Sour candy, any kind, almost any kind, suckers and jelly donuts
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go: Disney World, to Galaxy's Edge and build a light saber. And also to Paris and I would see the Eiffel Tower, eat croissants and go to the Le Wilson restaurant
What is your birthday meal: Hibachi and ice cream sundaes
What is your favorite sword: I have two: John 3:16; Jesus died in my place, I didn't do anything to deserve it, He just loves me that much.
And Psalm 119:18; if we allow God to open our eyes we will see and know more of God and His word, more than we can on our own.
What is your favorite Bible account: Noah's Ark; I love how Noah just obeyed and built the ark and then got to see two of every land animal like the dinosaurs and then live with them for months. He got to see animals from all over the world that any other person will never see all together like that, all because he obeyed.
Wilson, I love your zest for life, your constant smile and joy, the way you spread it everywhere you go. Even when you do get frustrated or sad it is fleeting and you're always more concerned for the well being of everyone around you. You are sacrificial and give your all and most for anyone. You are patient and so kind to spend time with each of your siblings doing things they love. You love to raid the pantry and fridge any time of day or night and your idea of snack is my idea of meal! You are an amazing swimmer, gamer, hard worker, and sweet toother!

I'm so blessed to be your momma and watch you grow into the man God is shaping you. I admire you and love learning all I can from watching you work hard, love mightily, and train as a warrior for Christ and His army. I'm so proud of all you have overcome, all you are accomplishing, and all the goals and ideas you have! I love you and I love celebrating you Wilson! Happy birthday my sweet man! May you continue to grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man!
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