29 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 29 Weeks
Size of Baby: Just over 15 inches head to toe and about 3 lbs!
Weight Gain/Loss: Still around 10lbs, but this guy is really getting big and I suspect we are both growing more now!
Gender: Boy - Jefferson Lee
Movement: Oh yes...a lot! Yesterday he pressed a little foot out so hard that it gave me an awful cramp in my abs! Very weird feeling!
Maternity Clothes: Still a mix of tops, some regular jeans, regular dresses, and maternity shorts and capris
Cravings: Nothing really this week, if anything my appetite has really decreased. I'm thinking it's maybe due to the lack of space in there now!
Symptoms: Starting to wake up about every 3 hours during the night, I remember doing this before Harrison was born. My mom said it was God's way of getting mom ready to be up feeding a baby. It has been clock work for a week now of waking at 1am, 4 am, and 7am.
Best Moment of The Week: Matt found a beautiful glider/rocker and fixed it all up for Jefferson's room! He worked really hard to disassemble it and then put it back together all cleaned and tightened with new cushions. It looks brand new and I can't wait to rock our new son in it!
Big brother climbing through a tire at one of his favorite playgrounds here. The opening is about the length of Jefferson stretched out head to toe.


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