Hosanna Trees

Over the week leading up to Easter, we would learn a part of the account of the week leading up to Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. We taught Harrison about Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, discussed his miracles, the Last Supper, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. Harrison's favorite was the triumphal entry, I think because it was so active. He is such an animated guy that he loved the activities we did around that account.
Living in Tennessee, one does not easily come by palm branches, so we took sticks and crafted our own palm branches out of construction paper. Then we re-enacted the account waving our branches shouting, "Hosanna!"
Harrison had a blast and multiple times throughout the week would parade through the house shouting, "Hosanna! Yay Jesus!"
For Easter weekend we spent a wonderful few days with dear friends in Pensacola, FL. When Harrison started exploring their yard he promptly noticed the beautiful palm trees shading the porch. "Look," he exclaimed, "Hosanna trees!"
These pictures really have nothing to do with the hosanna tree story, except that there is one behind us, but I had to include how many takes it took to get a picture of Harrison smiling! This was our family Easter morning and Harrison was much more interested in exploring than posing for a family picture. It makes me smile to look back over these outtakes to see his little personality!
We pray you each had a wonderful Easter celebrating our risen Savior!


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