Freedom of Fear
We pray over our meals, we recite Bible verses while playing outside, we sing songs about God's love, and gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ. I've never had to do these things with my boys under fear of punishment or persecution. I don't have to silence Harrison when he sings "Lift My Hands" at the top of his lungs, and I don't have to worry if my husband will be imprisoned for working to protect our liberties.
I am ashamed to admit that I too often take these liberties for granted. I do not think about the sacrifices our forefathers made to ensure these freedoms, nor do I remember those abroad who are still fighting for such liberties. My boys live, play, and grow up in a country where these fears do not exists, unlike Pastor Youcef and his young family.
Pastor Youcef is currently in a harsh state of imprisonment not guaranteed another day of life as his government seeks to put him to death because of his faith in God. His two young boys are growing up without the freedoms I already see my boys enjoying. God is using Pastor Youcef and his steadfast faith to make a world-wide impact for Him. Please pray for Pastor Youcef, for strength, for perseverance, for freedom. And thank God for the freedoms we have been so richly granted.
Thanks for the great reminder!