
Life is fragile, fleeting, and unpredictable. All to often we take for granted waking up and starting our day. We get stressed with running errands, keeping schedules, and completing day to day tasks. We rush, we overlook, we forget.It is times when we see a loved one go home to be with Jesus that we actually slow down to think about life and the gift it is. Life does change, as fast as the seasons do. We are not guaranteed our next breath yet we somehow forget that during the grocery shopping, bill paying, child raising, laundry, carpooling, and time crunched days.If you have given your life to Christ then you know the security and joy of living life in His hands and one day spending eternity with our Heavenly Father. But in the meantime remember how fast the green leaves fall from the trees, your little ones grow, the days march on, and anticipated events become memories. Take time to remember and enjoy this gift of life.


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