To My Wils

Dear Wils, I didn't think you'd ever get here. Just when I thought I was going to be the first recorded case of permanent pregnancy, you decided to have a birthday.
This made your Daddy just as happy since I'm not sure how we would handle one more day with your whiny mommy.
Monday morning, April 15, we knew it was your birthday. Even your big brothers some how knew. Harrison declared it the day Wilson was coming and Jefferson was walking around singing, "Baby, baby, baby!"
Mommy and Daddy decided to head to the hospital around 2:45. By the time we got there and checked in and taken to a room it was time for you to be born. At 3:31PM, twenty-one minutes after getting to labor and delivery, you were in our arms, all 7lb 11oz and 20inches long of you.
Wilson, you are more of a miracle than we knew. All during labor I was feeling you move less and less and this momma's heart was getting worried which is a huge reason we went to the hospital when we did.
It wasn't until you were born that we learned the cord was very tight around your neck and cutting off your oxygen supply. I shudder to think "what if" -what if God hadn't prompted us to head to the hospital and you were born at home since you came so fast, what if we hadn't been close to medical care that gave you oxygen and got you crying that beautiful life giving sound?
And even after the cord was unwrapped and your skin turned pink and your cry got stronger did we see a huge knot in the cord as well. You, my Wils, have already made a mark for yourself. One that says you are planned, designed, and looked after by our Heavenly Father. One that says, "what if" questions aren't even needed...God reigns and praise Him for our handsome baby boy.
Wils, you are the most precious little man I could ever imagine to have join our family. You are the missing piece we didn't even know we needed until the second we held you. You hold our hearts now and you couldn't have two more adoring big brothers or proud Daddy or enamored Mommy. My heart is three times as full and richly blessed now that you are here with us.
I love you Wilson! Love, Your Mommy


  1. Thad had a complete knot in his cord, too. So thankful Wilson is here safely. He is such a beautiful baby already. Can't wait to meet him! Praying for each of you and love to all there!

  2. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I'm so thankful that he's here and healthy! I will never forget seeing the knot in Savannah's cord and just praising God that she had been ok!

  3. He is so beautiful, what a blessing!

  4. God bless as this new journey begins. What a beautiful way Megan to welcome Wilson. Such wonderful words from an even more wonderful mom. They will be cherished by him! Praying for you and your family. Blessings!


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