Brought To You By The Letter "B"

Last week in school we spent a lot of time reviewing the letter "A" since, according to Harrison, it still says things like crocodile. Once we remembered what "A" really does say, we introduced the letter "B". I am thinking Harrison has a favorite letter, if there is such a thing as having a favorite letter. For the letter "B" starts off most sports words and as we all know, Harrison loves his sports! Basketball, baseball, base, bat, Braves! We made banana bread and sent it to work with Matt to be a blessing to others.
Harrison thought he was something else helping to stir the batter!

He also loves the fact that his nickname, Bubby, begins with the letter "B". A little confusing though because when you ask him what "B" says he says, "Harrison!" instead of his nickname.
Thanks to our wonderful friends, Harrison had a new bubble wand to play with!
The idea of gently blowing bubbles was lost on this hyper guy and before I knew it he was spitting, shooting, and burping bubbles; at least burping starts with the letter "B".
For snack we made blue Jell-O and Harrison had a long morning of waiting for the stuff to set.
Harrison did great and once again enjoyed reporting to his Daddy all the letter "B" says..."Harrison and Jefferson!" (aka brothers :)


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