Happy Half Birthday Harrison!
My wonderful little guy, Happy Half Birthday! Yes, your momma is funny like that and likes to celebrate half birthdays! I like celebrating you too!
You are such a big boy now! You sit up, roll all over the place, creep on your belly, and scoot backwards across the floor. You love copying our funny noises, like fake coughs, sneezing, sniffling our noses, and growling!
You love to play with your toys. Your favorite toys are your excersaucer, especially the little guy in the mirror, your orange football, books, and the stacking cups. Your Daddy will build you a tower with the cups and you like to knock it over! You also like to wrestle with you Daddy and holding onto momma's hair.
You love your sling! You are so happy riding around in it as I clean the house, do grocery shopping, or take walks. You like to sing with Mommy and hum along to the noise of the vacuum cleaner and hair dryer! You love fish, bath time, biter biscuits, and getting kisses on your neck! Your favorite foods are sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, pears, and apples. You prefer your yellow or brown blanket over any others. You don't like to stop playing to get your diaper changed and you'd rather be outside all the time!
You like making people smile and talking to everybody you meet. You are a gift from God and you have made our lives so rich! This half year has been one of the best in our lives and I can't wait for the many, many, many, half years ahead of us! Your life is a treasure and we are blessed beyond measure to be able to share in it! I love you Harrison!

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