Revisiting Maryland and 2nd

Most days we totally forget about hiding under Matt's desk while gunfire ripped through the air out his window. But there are a few moments every now and then when uncertainty and fear try to make an appearance.
Moments usually seen in the form of nightmares and praying in the darkness for God's peace. Moments of Harrison expressing fear that someone may try shooting us at our house or while in church.
Moments the boys don't want to go back into the city. And it's these moments we use to teach God is Lord of all! We need to be on our knees for His protection, peace, healing, and for His work to be unhindered by Satan.
Listening to the radio, "God of this City" came on and Harrison excitedly connected the dots, "This is what y'all are talking about! Greater things are still to be done in this city, like Washington DC! And God can use us to do that!"
In my own excitement to watch him make that connection I wrote the radio station our story and my thanks for their ministry. The general manager wrote me back asking if he could share my letter with the staff and I assured him he could. Days later I received a phone call.
It was the general manager of the Christian radio station. The staff was moved with Harrison's testimony and wanted to make a video of his story and how God used their ministry in the aftermath. So this Wednesday a film crew is coming to interview Harrison about the shooting, the fear, the fight, and the victory in Christ.
If you think about it, please be praying especially for Harrison. Pray God gives him the words to say and takes away the words not to say, like a song he wrote and desperately wants to sing on camera titled, "Mr. President Obama, Here is the Truth About God." Anything could come out of the little mouth of his, but I'm just handing the interview over to God and standing back like the proud Momma I am as I watch my son become a man bold for Christ.
It is my prayer God will use this amazing 4 year old for His glory. Harrison is already being used by his Heavenly Father and I can't wait to see how God continues to work in and through this little man's life.


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