Friends in the City

This week we've been exploring the city, but we've been doing it in a whole new way...with five kids under the age of five.
Call us crazy, call us insane, call us adventurous. Or maybe it's just been what we do best, as parents, as tourists, as friends.
This week has been full of late nights, loud little boys sword fighting, red box rentals, girl talk, sight seeing, and laughing.
It's been reconnecting, remembering, reliving, and living some more. It's be creating new memories, planning for more and enjoying the present.
We've walked infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, strollers, slings, snacks, five plus miles a day over Capitol Hill.
We've seen DC through the eyes of five little guys as we've raced across intersections, up hills, through monuments and museums.
It's been a week of wonderful and we are so blessed to have friends who drove countless hours to explore the City with us. We love you guys and can't wait for next time!


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