Baby's Got Beach

Since I live and breath all things oceanfront, I've been all too eager to get each of my boys acquainted with the sea as soon as possible.
I am that mom dipping my infant's toes into the waves and touching their fingers to the sand long before they can talk and walk.
And so I'm not sure if my beach enthusiasm is contagious or I've hit the jackpot with my own beach lovin' babes, but it's safe to say Wils has joined the ranks of sea lovers.
While he's not a fan of sweating in the sun he has no issues with napping to the lull of waves and wind.
He's been swimming, sunning, shell seeking, and hammock swinging and I couldn't be a happier momma than to see my three boys loving every minute of ocean life.
And while this vacation has been slightly different with broken cars, delayed arrivals, newborn feeding schedules and three different little guy nap times to work around, it's also been one of the best in a whole new way.
It's seeing the surf and sand through the eyes of three of the best little guys on Earth. It's laughing in the waves with Harrison. It's building sand castles with Jefferson, and swinging in the hammock with Wils. It's the best of the beach x3 and it couldn't be better.


  1. So fun! I was hoping Brady would have napped on the beach, but he is way too busy these days to fall for it! Sorry to hear about the car situation, but I'm glad your week has still been great so far. :-)


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