Packing Hazards

Packing to move presents a whole new host of challenges to house full of little boys...some emotional, some physical.
We've had some break downs over beloved toys being locked away behind packing tape that even reassurance of an eventual reunion with those toys does nothing to stop the water works.
We've had boys trapping boys inside boxes, we've had packing tape experiments (FYI: that stuff is sticky and kids learn quick not to apply to hair:), and we've had some physical hazards.
Jefferson is the latest casualty of the stacks of cardboard around here. His little legs just can't quite clear the height he thinks they can so tripping ensues and this time it face planted him into the corner of a wooden trunk.
Though the sound of skull to wood contact turned my stomach, he was only consumed with frustration and anger that his progress was held up. Boys:) He is now sporting his packing war wound and quite proud of his first official "Shiner".


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