There's Something About The Ocean
This vacation will be one of my favorite memories with Harrison. I was able to take him to my favorite place God created- the beach! It was the most amazing thing to watch his young eyes explore the waves and sand for the very first time. We were mesmerized by his excitement over all the sights and sounds. It made us see the beach in whole new appreciation for God's amazing creation. I have to agree with the song by Ten Shekel Shirt- There' something about the ocean, and I'm lost in love again.
My first view of the ocean!
My Daddy and me
Daddy, Mommy, me, and my Aunt Lina play with shadows
Sand on my toes- I loved it!
I could not stop staring at the water and feeling the sand; I liked to curl my toes into it!
Thank you God for the ocean; it's amazing!
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