My Poor Little Guy
This little guy has impeccable timing. Like trying to come 16 weeks early, or spitting up right when we are walking out the door, or giving his first smile right into a camera ready to capture it. But today he timed something new- his first sick visit to the doctor two days before our vacation!
Don't let that cute little face deter you; he feels miserable. He's not sleeping, he pulls his ears, and not eating well either; and well, if you know Harrison- this boy likes to eat!
Yep, our little guy had his first sick visit to the doctor and had a double ear infection!!!
How did I miss that? How long had he been hurting? I felt like mom of the year because I just thought he was being a grouch ball for the past three days!
But he still loves me, even after holding him down for the doctor to look in his ears, even after the fussing, the guy still likes me a lot- how do I deserve such love?
But with nasty ear infections guessed it... the pink stuff! Ok Harrison, here it comes...let's see what you think...
Ok, wait for it, wait for it...
My Buddy does not like pink stuff!
Well, maybe, let's think about it...
Ok, well maybe it's pretty good... not too bad. It is bubble gum flavor after all.
I guess Mr. Independent decided he liked it better if he did it himself!
And then, after a hard day at the doctors, dealing with ear pain, parents who don't speak baby so he could tell us he had ear pain, lots of new medicines, who wouldn't want to curl up for a nice nap with Dad? I love you Harrison; get better soon!
How did I miss that? How long had he been hurting? I felt like mom of the year because I just thought he was being a grouch ball for the past three days!
Sweet little man, hope you feel better soon Harrison! We know you are in great hands that will take care of you and love you more than you can know.