Real Heroes
Boys are just born wired to admire, mimic, seek out, and become super heroes.
We have a whole trunk crammed full of masks, capes, weapons, and shields...everything one might need to be a super hero.
We have the usual bumps and bruises that come with attempts at wall scaling, leaping off cliffs, and trying to fly.
We have boys who will go days only answering to "Captain America" and "Optimus Prime".
Yet just as they are born with a bent towards the hero, I'm proud to say my boys know what makes which one real.
Even at their young ages they know our military serve to protect and sacrifice and these heroes in uniform are truly "super" to them.
They love hearing stories of family and friends who have served or are serving our country and my boys innately know these heroes are "for real brave", as they say.

Who knows if one of my masked, caped little heroes will grow up to be a hero in uniform, but I do know that we are all very proud and truly grateful for all our real heroes...thank you for serving!
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