
Matt got the day of his life while we were in California.
Our friend's Dad works at the Reagan Presidential Library.
He very generously set up a behind the scenes tour for us.
We went undergournd to areas not allowed to the public and saw vaults full of files, pictures, and videos.
We saw Mrs. Reagan's Oscar de la Renta gowns stored in a basement file room and President Reagan's favorite saddles.
Then we spent hours exploring the library itself with two little guys who hadn't napped...let me tell you about memorable.
We spent much of the tour, including Reagan's Air Force One, stuffing the boys with goldfish crackers to momentarily silence the fussing.
Matt was having the time of his life so I was determined to get the boys distracted and into the things they were seeing. It wasn't difficult once Harrison saw this case.
But it was a little hard to explain to him why we couldn't buy the sword and sheath in the display to take home with us. He was pretty disappointed.
Overall it was an incredible day as we grew in respect for the amazing leader President Reagan was and got the opportunity to share it with our boys.


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