I don't know how God made it to be, but there is nothing quite like a momma and a baby. Babies are born not knowing just how much they have their mommas wrapped around their fingers.

Those tiny little cries are enough to melt any heart and sound so pathetic enough to hustle any momma in to scoop up that little needy bundle and soothe and rock to sleep. But these innocent little babies learn oh so fast what makes their momma come running.

So the real cries become forced in an attempt to get their cuddle time instead of bedtime. They are smart little things! Unfortunately for Jefferson, I know this trick. His angry crying doesn't change my mind that sleep is more important for him than his desire to cuddle, (though I do make sure I enjoy plenty of cuddle time when it's not sleep time.)

But what I still haven't mastered is not being completely swayed by those very charming grins and huge wide eyed smiles. Those melt me every time! They get my little man swept up in my arms and showered with kisses and hugs. My two little guys have learned charm goes a long way with their momma, they have learned too well! And I admit, those smiles have me wrapped!
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