The Fourth of Jefferson

Jefferson, where did the time go? How is it you're already four and already talking about can't waiting until your voice gets deep and you get hair on your arms like a real man. You're the sweetest, most laid back charmer I've ever known, but under your calm demeanor is a fierce warrior, protective of your family with a passion for God.
We could not be more proud of the man you are growing up to be! We love seeing you grow in wisdom, and stature, and favor with God and men. We feel so blessed to have you as our son and we love you to infinity and beyond! Happy Birthday my JeffBaby! And here's the traditional birthday interview!
What's Your Favorite Color? Blue
What's Your Favorite Toy? My new Nerf dart guns and my RescueBots
What's Your Favorite Movie? Veggie Tales and Dusty (Airplanes)
What's Your Favorite Food? Chocolate food!
What's Your Favorite Game? Monopoly
What's Your Favorite Snack? Fruit Snacks! And pistachios! Oh and put down peanuts!
What's Your Favorite Song? Jesus is my Superhero!
What's Your Favorite Book? The "Oops" book, the turkey one! (Sandra Boynton's Blue Hat, Green Hat)
Who's Your Best Friend? Bubby and Jaden and Wils!
What's Your Favorite Thing To Play Outside? Chalk on the sidewalk and baseball with Daddy!
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? A worker man, in a jet, as a pilot!
What's Your Favorite Holiday? What's that? A day we celebrate? Oh! I know! Christmas!
What's Your Favorite Thing To Sleep With? My blue blanket
What's Your Birthday Dinner? The Chip Place! (Chipotle)
What's Your Favorite Thing To Eat For Breakfast? Circle sausage, nothing else. Oh and bacon, that's all. And bagels though, with honey on them, but the little bagels, not the big bagels. 
What's Your Favorite Thing To Watch On TV? Yo-Ho (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
What's Your Favorite Fruit? Watermelon!!
What's Your Favorite Animal? Um, hippo!
What's Your Favorite Thing To Drink? Lemonade and chocolate milk Daddy makes for me!
What's Your Favorite Bible Verse? The sword, Sword! (We call Bible verses, "swords", therefore the sword "sword" is Hebrews 4:12)


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