J-Man Hits Three!

My precious Jeff-Baby, I kissed you goodnight as a two year old baby and you awoke in the morning 6 inches taller, 1000 words smarter, and 18 years older.
The morning you turned three we were less then 20 miles from the hospital I first wrapped you in my arms as a tiny red-faced newborn, and my breath caught again exactly three years later as you whispered, "Mommy, I not your Jeff-Baby, I you Jeff-Man now."
You are a man, one growing in wisdom and stature, and favor, with God and men and your Daddy and I couldn't be more proud of you, our sweet and brave son! To carry on our birthday tradition, here's our yearly interview...
What's Your Favorite Color: Byoo! (Blue)
What's Your Favorite Toy?: Uh, all my choo-choo's, and yo-ho, and castle, and yight sabers!
What's Your Favorite Movie: Yighten McKeen! (Lightening McQueen)
What's Your Favorite Food?: Chiggen Nunyets (Chicken Nuggets), and cheese...can I have some cheese? I want some reawwy bad!
What's Your Favorite Game To Play: Run races!
What's Your Favorite Snack: Froo Snacks!
What's Your Favorite Song: *Yells* Jesus is My Superhero!!
What's Your Favorite Book: Capatillar (The Very Hungry Catapillar) and Oops book! (Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boyton)
Who's Your Best Friend: My Bubby (Harrison), my Mooney (Wilson), and Jaden!
What's Your Favorite Thing To Play Outside: Baseball! I hit ball reawy hard wif my bat and get homeruns!!!
What's Your Favorite Holiday: A what? Oh, My birfday! And Kissmas! And fireworks on America's birfday!
What's Your Favorite Thing To Sleep With: My byoo blanket and doggie with the hat on.
What's Your Favorite Thing To Eat For Breakfast: Froo Snacks! (uh, you've never had those for breakfast)...and candy! (Nope, not that either.)
What's Your Birthday Dinner: Pizza, in a box! (delivery, not homemade...silly boy :)
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: Uh, a man!
What's Your Favorite Thing To Watch On TV: Yo-Ho!
What's Your Favorite Fruit: *More yelling* Wahvermelons!!!
What's Your Favorite Animal?: Giraffes! (I did not see that coming!)
What's Your Favorite Thing To Drink: Root beer! Oh and chokate milk...and coffee..and water...with ice in it!
What's Your Favorite Bible Verse: "He'll gib shalom in da land, lay down to sleep, won't be 'fraid of nobody! Vatiticus 26:6" - Leviticus 26:6
Happy Birthday to my outrageous, courageous, and fireball baby! You keep us laughing, guessing, and on our toes; and we wouldn't have it any other way. Our family is richer and stronger with you as our second son and it's we who are gifted every year because you, Jefferson Lee!
We love you!


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