Hurry Up and Wait

I'm terrible at waiting. I don't do it well at all. I'm a work in progress since waiting is a huge part of life and God does some pretty big things in hearts during waiting times.
Waiting is a balance. You can't just sit back with a magazine, you can't wallow in worry of "what's next", you can't ignore you are indeed waiting, and you can't be so busy that you miss what you've been waiting for.
The past few months have been a series of waiting for big events to play out, travel dates to arrive, birthday parties, international flights to land, jobs to be completed, bill due dates, doctor's appointments, consignments sales, and spring to bloom.
And when I look back at these past few months, all the days of waiting disappeared into a flurry of memories and moments to cherish. 
Because the waiting really isn't terrible, it's rich and heavy with the gift of time you'll never get back.
And while longing for spring to bloom and the warm long days to arrive the richness of the waiting has been filled with new adventures with my men. We've hit the streets of DC and met tourists from Holland, made friends with mounted police, and helped a grad student not study when Wils stole his pen and a fun game of chase ensued.
And now we're waiting for another birthday. The days tick by as we count down our baby girl to join our family. The clothes are washed and hung, the crib is set up, diapers are ready, and we wait.
But since I don't wait well, you won't find me just sitting around or stressing the unknown. These are very special days of soaking up spring with my favorite guys in the world. Days full of the the three brothers being their wild and adventurous selves before their world gets a touch of pink.
These days of waiting, my heart is ever before God as I prepare to have a daughter for the first time. As I become a role model in a way I never have before. I pray this time of waiting will continue to be one of God growing in me as I wait for my little girl.
Because you, our little lady, are eagerly anticipated by a giddy mommy and daddy, three adoring big brothers, and a whole host of family and friends eager to see your beautiful face. You are loved, celebrated, cherished, and completely worth this wait.


  1. I. love. them. all. But I particularly love J's face in that last picture! He cracks me up doing that!


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