730 Days - Two Years With Wils

The past 730 days have been a blur, literally. You are a non-stop, on the go, brute squad member, giggling, slobbery, blur...and we are in love with you!
I should have known on April 15, 2013 when you barely let me make it into the hospital doors before deciding to make your grand and dramatic entrance into the world, that this was just par for the course. This is who you are, a "watch out world, here I am" kind of guy.
You love a good knocked down, dragged out wrestling match, anything with a motor, every kind of sport that involves a ball, and possess incredible skills in finding the muddiest of puddles to jump in. You are trying to convince me you're ready to ditch the diapers, you love jumping down stairs, cuddling when you wake up, and watching "Yo-Ho" (Jake and the Neverland Pirates) and Veggie Tales.
You've never seen a chicken nugget you didn't like, a stranger that wasn't immediately your friend, or any kind of cheese that you'd be willing to pass up. You have a hound nose for sugar, love singing and music, and 2 Timothy 1:7 is your favorite verse and you recite it in the most adorable Wils-way.
You are the roughest, tumbliest, teddy bear full of joy and adventure. These past two years have made our family richly blessed having you in it! We are smitten with you Wils and we couldn't be more proud of the man you are becoming. We love you! Happy Birthday Baby!


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