What My Sticker Means

Privileged to live in a country where I can exercise my right to vote. Where you can hold a sign supporting your candidate and debate politics without fear or repression.
Blessed that I can stand in a line with my children to cast my ballot and not fear a hostile raid or risk our lives to simply vote.
Grateful for the debates, heated arguments, and sometimes immature discussions on social media outlets. Regardless of how ridiculous I think some people get about elections, we have a country that gives free speech and so I'm grateful we can express that right without fear.
Beyond blessed by these two little men and the future they represent. Though they don't yet understand the importance of our freedoms that close family and friends and have fought for and defended, with a grateful heart we are passing on the attitude of not taking for granted the honor and blessing it is to live in this country, "The Knighted States of Mericuh" according to Harrison:)


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