Changing the Norm

Recently we heard the questioned posed, "How does someone normally react or respond upon seeing a large family?" More often than not there's gasping, gaping, silent counting of little heads, and raised eyebrows.
Why is that society's norm? The endless comments of, "You must have your hands full...I bet they keep you busy...what is your grocery bill?"  We just have two right now with one still growing and we are already considered larger than average.
Why does our culture view children in a negative light. They are seen as burdens, expenses, set backs, or a five year plan. What would change if these little ones were viewed again they way God intended?
"Children are a GIFT from the Lord, a REWARD from Him!." Psalm 127:3 We'd be counting the rewards of God instead of mouths to feed in the family in line ahead at the grocery store.
We'd be proud of, congratulate, rejoice with the man who celebrates another child in his family. We wouldn't pity the mother with her sticky fingered, mischievous, chatty kiddos, we'd see God's gifts in a row.
And maybe, just maybe, orphans would be embraced in their forever homes, more children would be trained up in love and patience, and the future would see world changers, ready to grow the Kingdom of God.


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