Test Drive
While at Toys "R" Us we passed by that aisle, you know the one that every kid begs and pleads to go down and touch and ride everything possible? Kids are born with a knowledge that this aisle is the "it" aisle of the whole store and Harrison only served to prove my point.
He immediately began pointing and making his engine noises because he saw them- the cars! Not matchbox cars, not push cars, but the drivable, fully operating, should need a licence to drive, cars!
He was in heaven! These things have come a long way since I was a kid. They now have radios and a choice of make and models to rival CarMax!
I'm kinda glad Harrison was a little bored with the Cadillac SUV-the price tag on that things was about 1/3 of the real thing!
But this one? This one he can have! If you know me, you know I had a beloved JEEP and miss that truck like crazy. I think Harrison might have a little affection for the JEEP himself- well, I'm hoping at least.
And then of course there was the Harley-not so sure I'm ready to embrace this fascination. Overall, the guy had a blast test driving the "vroommmms" and I'm glad, because none of these high priced vehicles will be coming home with us anytime soon.

So cute...boys love anything with an engine! ;)