Visions of Sugar Stuck All Over Their Hands

Christmastime is a time for giving, celebrating, and turning a blind eye to the sugar content devoured over the 25 preceding days, give or take a few.
I try to be pretty healthy in our eating choices as much as budget and picky pallets allow, but how can I say "no" to wide eyed boys staring at tubs of green icing on the grocery shelf?
The sugar, the food dyes, nutrition, are all pushed aside for the magic, the mess, and the memories.
The calendar flips faster every year and the Christmases are coming and going more quickly as these boys grow.
While I have a house full of sticky fingered, Christmas pumped, all-hands-on-deck little men I'm going to make the most of every single sugar covered, icing blobbed, sprinkle coated moment.
Decembers are going to come when the excitement over ice cream cone Christmas trees is gone but I'll have memories of these sugar coated little hands.
And I look forward to the future memories ahead of magical Decembers with my men and their families, but in this moment, this December, and this year, I say dance on sugarplums.


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