Gingerbread House
At our house, we are Christmas crazy. We love everything about it! We pull out our Christmas music in October and countdown the days by making red and green paper chains.
We aren't tyring to rush the season, we do give Thanksgiving its proper place by putting all things Christmas on hold at that week, but as soon as the last bird is carved, we are rearing to jump feet first into Christmas revelry!
This year was no exception. As soon as the table was cleared Thanksgiving night, we were building a Gingerbread village. This year has been a blast so far, as Harrison is way more aware and wants to be involved in everything.
His excitement matched ours beat for beat as he quickly became covered in icing, sprinkles, and gumdrop goo. Even though he had been sitting there working on his little house for over half hour we noticed it looking quite bare.
He would stick his candies on, and then systematically go back around pulling them off and devouring them. Needless to say, his gingerbread house ended up being nothing more than the bare walls and roof.
But he sure is proud of his gingerbread house and he sure is excited about delving into more and more Christmas fun!
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