December 18th
Six years ago we were a flurry of satin, curls, boutonnieres, and cumber buns as we all raced around to get ready for the five 'o clock event. As we held each other's hands and said "I do" we could have no idea what was ahead of us. In all our wildest dreams we never could have imagined what God has done in us these past six years. These past six years have been the best years of my life.
We've been through 4 years of grad school, two degrees, 4 moves, 3 new cars, 1 little man and one on the way, 8 jobs, and too many road trips to count. These days we are a flurry of matchbox cars, diaper changes, ponytails, and t-shirts, and I wouldn't change a thing! I can't wait to see what lies ahead of us. I'm excited to be at your side for this adventure. I love you! Happy Anniversary!

And a wonderful six (yes 6!) years it has been. I love you, and my love for you has grown each of the last 2,191 days!