Mr. President

There's a commercial on TV (has something to do with cell phones) that shows a president at an inauguration and then backtracks to give you his history. It goes all the way back to his parents meeting on a train all because the father had great cell coverage and was able to change his ticket to get on the mother's train. While silly to revolve around who has the best 3G network, the commercial does make you think how one little choice can change history. One impulsive decision really can make or break you.
Harrison, only God knows your future, but I do know your past and you have been ordained from before time. Your life on this earth is no mistake and I know God has an incredible plan for the man you are becoming. Every decision you make will effect your tomorrows and the tomorrows of many others, including your own children one day.
Harrison, as long as you listen to the voice of wisdom, your choices will be easy to make as you follow in our Father's footsteps. And who knows, maybe you will be the president one day!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6


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