Great Weekend!

I had such a great weekend- I was a busy guy!

I played some basketball with Dad!

Then after the game, I took a bath- Don't you think my new bathrobe looks fun? Yeah, I look cute! Thanks Great Nanny!

Then we went out to lunch, but...

I decided to play with mom and dad and not look at the camera for a picture.
Haha, now I'll close my eyes and make a face! This is fun!
Ok, maybe I'll just peak through my eyes at the camera.
Ok, ok mom! You're tickling me! I'll laugh and smile for a picture!
Then Dad and I had a nice talk about golf- he was explaining the rules.
I like the sound of golf! Maybe I'm a future Tiger!?!
At least my parents think I could be, but they think I can be anything. I think they love me a lot! Yeah, life is good!


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