We just got back from the best weekend ever! My wonderful husband planned a babymoon for us! He wanted to have one last weekend getaway as just Matt and Megan before we became a family of three, so he took us to one of our favorite hotels that has a lot of memories for us. It was so special and we had a great time relaxing, eating sea food, and swimming! They had a heated indoor pool! Let me tell you, I highly recommend swimming this late in pregnancy! As I got into the water it felt like I was not even pregnant anymore! I could not feel any weight on my belly and it was so soothing and relaxing! I did not want to get out ever. It was the best feeling.
Yesterday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland! A late in the season snowfall left our world white and beautiful! We got about four inches which in the south is a lot! Matt was able to stay home and work so we got an extra day added to our babymoon weekend!

This is Matt getting ready to go brave the ice and snow! :) And this is me with Harrison at 35 weeks!

We looked like little kids again hiking through the snow and throwing snowballs. It was great! We were talking about how much fun it will be when Harrison is old enough to take out in the snow.
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