36 Weeks

We are down to the last remaining weeks and the time is flying by! Matt and I spend a lot of time making list after list. We have a list for things we still need to get, a list for what to pack for the birthing center, a list for what do when labor starts, a list for right after Harrison is born..etc. You get the idea. At least on paper we are organized!

We just had a great weekend at our birthing class. It was a class focused on natural, un-medicated birth, but taught from a Christian perspective. The teachers really focused on how God created this and the real miracle of how the body works and how the baby is born. We learned a lot and really felt at peace about why we are going this route. We feel confident and ready to handle this. We both agreed that now we are just ready to do this.

I am definitely in that nesting stage! I can't clean or organize enough! I already keep my house pretty clean, but now I am going into overdrive. I have been pulling out blankets kept in storage to wash, scrubbing cabinet doors- inside and out, deep cleaning our cars, reorganizing things I already had organized...I can't do enough it seems. It's like I want everything perfect for when Harrison comes. Is he really going to remember how clean and fresh his new home is when we bring him home? Nope, but it will let me rest easier when we do come home.

Other things that invade my thought life? Well, Matt laughs at me, and maybe I'm vain. But my latest thoughts are timing of labor, what if I didn't get a chance to vacuum recently when I go into labor, or my hair is dirty? I'm being honest here; am I the only pregnant woman to think like this? I am willing to let these things go, but in a perfect world I would love a clean house and clean hair when I go into labor, oh and legs shaved too. Simple things really, but I guess when it is time, I will be consumed by focusing on the task at hand to get Harrison into this world as safe and healthy as possible!

We have our now weekly midwife appointment tomorrow, so I will update you on how it goes! It is getting so exciting!!!


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