Happy Birthday Washington

Five times through this labor and delivery thing and you'd think I'd have a better grasp on what's happening when it's happening.
But it just goes to show that every single baby and delivery is completely unique. Washington's birthday just went and caught us all off guard. The day before we had been at basketball games and walking around our new property. 
I had plenty of energy, I wasn't achey or feeling "done", I had no contractions nor any feelings that it was almost time kind of thing. A few of my sisters had even been visiting us that day and asked if they should stay the night just in case. I sent them all home with reassurances it didn't seem like anything would be happening anytime soon. 
But that night I did start to feel achey, so I drank a ton of water, laid on my left side and the achiness drifted off as we fell asleep for the night. I woke up maybe 4 or 5 times during the night feeling a contraction but nothing that made me even think about it being real and I fell right back asleep each time. 
Around 6:30 in the morning when I woke up with one of the contractions I decided to get up and move around just to see what happened, if they picked up or tapered off. I went up and down the stairs, walked our kitchen loop, and switched the laundry and started folding the load. At 7:15 all of a sudden I had two back to back contractions right at 2 minutes and then 2 minutes later again. I decided to go jump in a hot shower and see if they spread back out or stayed consistent. 
At 7:30 I was in the shower and started shaking really bad and the contractions did indeed stop, but not in the false labor way. I knew what it was, I was already in transition after not even half hour of anything resembling labor. I immediately hollered for Matt who was still sleeping and knew nothing about what was going on. He sleepily said he'd call family to start heading our way to stay with the kids. 
I told him we had no time to wait for family, we had to go now! We had friends from our small group who were graciously on stand by and they were awesome! They arrived within minutes and Matt and I literally ran out the door. By the time we got in his car I had to push. The thirty minute drive took 20 as Matt broke records rushing up I-95 yelling at me not to push. We were a movie scene!
By the time we got to the hospital I couldn't stand up or sit down, so in the most awkward position in my life we made it to L&D where they took one look and within second had me in a bed where sure enough I was complete and baby was on his way out. But due to the extremely fast paced labor his heart rate was "flat" and my vitals were a tad off. They had me lay on my side to slow down the process and stabilize his vitals and mine. 
It was too late for a full epidural but they gave me some pain meds to help relax a bit to give Washington some time to recoup before delivery. After waiting about 20 more minutes both he and I were good to go so they broke my water and about two minutes later he was in my arms. My family hadn't even made it halfway to our house at this point so we are so thankful for our friend's back up plan! 
Washington Paul Clark was 7lbs 6oz and our longest baby at 21". He came quick, unconventional, and on his own terms. I wonder what this says about future personality? So far he's been laid back, easy, a champ nurser, napper, and cuddly little brother. Which is good since he has arms lined up for days waiting to cuddle and hug. 
He has the best big siblings in the world. They are protective and gentle and every single one of them are incredible with him. Harrison is the most gentle big brother carrying his littlest brother strongly in his arms and even taking his dirty onesies and sleepers to be washed and dried before bringing them back upstairs from the laundry room for me. Jefferson is quick to monitor if Washington needs changing or his paci. The doctor in him loves learning all about newborns from umbilical cords to sleeping habits.  Wils is never far from his baby brother. He asked every day for 9 months if he could hold him and now he can't get enough, gently stroking his brother's soft hair and telling him how much he loves him. Madison is always right by his side, literally, suffocatingly. But she is the best big sister and Washington can't move or make a sound without her knowing about it. She will always have his back. 
Washington Paul, we love you more than words can say. Last summer you rocked our world with two little lines on a test but we honestly cannot picture our family any other way now that you're here in our arms. We are so honored God chose us to be your parents! What an incredible creation and miracle you are and we give you to the One who gave us you! We love you Washington! Welcome to this crazy beautiful family :) 


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