
One day last week the November temps hit 80 degrees. 
That's optimal fall weather in my opinion, but NOVA doesn't typically see such amazingness in the fall.
Antsy boys prepared to open phonics and math books, I was washing dishes, and Madison stood at the door staring up the street to where Matt's car had just driven away to work. 
How in the world could this perfect fall day go on without being out in it? 
So I told the boys to close the books, put on some shoes, and load up. We found ourselves at the zoo and finished our school day among the elephants and naked mole rats. 
The boys tested the limits of gravity, and my blood pressure, by balancing from and jumping off various platforms and ledges. 
We discussed deciduous trees, chlorophyll, and herbivores v. carnivores. 
We got to watch them feed the elephants and ask the zoo keepers questions while they did. The elephants meal reminded my crew that they needed to eat too. 
So we stopped for a snack by the gibbons where the boys learned to identify the males, females, juveniles, and babies based on their fur patterns and coloring. 
After hours of exploring, kids emptying my snack bag, and a ride on the carousel, we all agreed this was a great school day. Learning without a textbook is just a crucial and not easily forgotten; the boys are still talking about those naked mole rats ;)


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