Boy or Girl

The first half of a pregnancy is the hardest for me. Some women think I'm crazy and would argue it's when you are the size of a blimp, have swollen feet, back aches, and can't sleep that's the worst.
For me it's the beginning. The hopes, fears, and prayers of a healthy developing baby. Waiting to hear a heart beat for the first time, and the main thing for me...wondering boy or girl?
With two mini testosterone bundles my mind seems captured by this growing baby and wondering if we are getting ready to go triple shot espresso here, or branch out and try something completely new?
For the boy vote: I loved growing up in an all girl family, so I can only imagine the hilarity, competitiveness, friendships, and brotherhood that could grow from a family of all boys.
Plus, I think a boy may fit in with the tackling, wrestling, competing, showing off, eating non-stop atmosphere around here without too much adjustment.
For the girl vote: Can I just say "girl clothes?" Plus the idea of a soft haired beauty to doll up with bows and tutu's and teach how to bake cookies and put on make-up one day sounds kinda exciting.
I can see brothers turning to mush as they protect their princess and maybe a little tomboyness rubbing off as she plays football with the boys.
My heart tosses back and forth as I pray over our newest baby growing and kicking away. And I rest knowing God already hand picked this child for us and has the days designed for his/her life.
Whether boy or girl, this child is His and is prayed over, blessed, anticipated, and already loved beyond words by a very excited mom and dad and two very proud big brothers.


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