With A Grateful Heart

When I think back over this past year I can't help but do so with a grateful heart. We have been blessed with so much and we feel overflowing with the many blessings, lessons learned, and steps guided by our Father. January 2010 started out on a fast foot, literally, as Harrison started walking. One day he was taking wobbly steps and the next day he was training for a marathon! Life took on a whole new kind of fun as we now had an official toddler! February 2010 was another fast month filled with weird weather. One week it was snowing, the next week would be mild and nice to be outdoors. The latter was Harrison's preferred day of play and we spent as much time outdoors getting dirty and exploring as possible! March 2010 brought along this little man's one year birthday!!! We had a blast celebrating with rainbow cake, an airplane themed party, and tons of fun watching him open presents. April 2010 brought unseasonably warm temperatures and we were able to get outdoors and play in the hose, use our pool, and enjoy the sun. We also got news this month that our landlord would be looking for a tenant willing to sign another 2 year lease. We were not in a position to sign for two more years and knew we needed to be looking out for where God would be taking us since Matt's job would not be lasting another two years. May 2010 continued the warm weather. We went strawberry picking and took Harrison on a ferry ride. Harrison and I also spent a wonderful mini vacation with some friends at the beach. Matt and I took Harrison away for a little get-away at the beach as well and we spent some much needed time away and just seeking God's will. June 2010 bought out more sprinklers and kiddie pools! Harrison was more and more on the move as there proved nothing to stop this guy! His curiosity led to ink pen body art, dryer spelunking, and whole chunks of cheese missing out of the block in the fridge. We also started making plans to move from Williamsburg and God opened the doors to move us into my parents home as we continued to seek God's will for Matt's next job. July 2010 brought all kinds of fun! Harrison fell in love with fireworks on the 4th much to my surprise! We also spent a week with Matt's family in the Outer Banks! Harrison could not get enough of the beach and even now he still asks to go back. At the end of the month we loaded all our things into a storage unit, said good-bye to Williamsburg and wonderful friends, and headed to my parent's home. August 2010 was an adjustment month as we figured out our new shared living arrangement and everyone got into a new routine. We took wonderful day trips as a family. One of which was to our Nation's capitol where we had a wonderful time exploring and just spending time all together. September 2010 we remember 9/11 by taking cookies to our local first responders. Harrison was wide-eyed with amazement at the "woo-woos" (firetrucks). The firemen let him climb all over and through the trucks. We also took Harrison to the State Fair! He walked around in awe at all the lights and sounds, had his share of fair food, and explored the John Deere tractors they had set up. What more could a boy want? October 2010 brought all kinds of growing pains. We experienced a heartbreaking loss, more job frustrations, and had plenty of unanswered questions. It was a time of growing and pulling together as family. But during this time we also enjoyed many wonderful trips to the mountains-apple picking and the weekend church retreat. We had a great time at fall festivals and God started planting some seeds in our hearts for the future. Novemeber 2010 brought a wonderful surprise! After a very hard previous month, we started off this month with quite a different outlook. On the 5th we saw two pink lines on a little test telling us God had blessed us with another little baby. The month brought along morning, sickness, fatigue and the miracle of thriving life. We celebrated Thanksgiving with a new outlook as we truly were thankful for all God has provided us with our son Harrison, our new baby, a place to live, and continued guidance for Matt's next job.
December 2010 has been a whirlwind! Harrison was a blast this Christmas season as we explored "Kissmas yites", baked ate cookies, and experienced a wondrous Christmas as he really got into the surprise of unwrapping presents. We loved teaching him and his re-telling us of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and the angels. This month brought along more answers to Matt's job hunt, more healthy growing of our new baby, and plenty of wonderful memories.
2011 is not even 24 hours old and we are already learning some of what this year may have in store. God is good, all the time- through the pain, the laughter, the hurt, the questions, the happiness, the unknown, the good, the bad - He is good all the time! We praise you Father for this year and every day you blessed us with. We give you this year and all our steps. We long to be used for your glory and your will. Thank you God.
Happy New Year!


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