A Week of Firsts
This week we hit our stride and accomplished a lot of firsts! It has been the first week that no one came to help out with laundry or dishes. I have done it all by myself! It might get hectic, but I love figuring out how to juggle Harrison, laundry, dishes, and dinner. It has been great!
Harrison and I made our first solo trip to the grocery store! I felt so accomplished. He did great. He rode in his sling and pretty much slept the whole time. We also took our first road trip. It was only an hour long, but he did amazing. He was able to meet his great- grandparents, his great Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Daniel. The car ride made him a little fussy, but the family did not seem to mind.
We can hardly believe Harrison has been a part of our family for three weeks now! It has flown by, but has been such a sweet time. We love spending our time with him and getting to know him better!
Hanging Out
Harrison and I made our first solo trip to the grocery store! I felt so accomplished. He did great. He rode in his sling and pretty much slept the whole time. We also took our first road trip. It was only an hour long, but he did amazing. He was able to meet his great- grandparents, his great Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Daniel. The car ride made him a little fussy, but the family did not seem to mind.
We can hardly believe Harrison has been a part of our family for three weeks now! It has flown by, but has been such a sweet time. We love spending our time with him and getting to know him better!
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