That's What Little Boys are Made Of

The weeks are flying by and Matt and I cannot contain our excitement. Our little man is growing so fast! As you can tell from my belly now in week 31, Harrison is getting stronger and plumper! We cannot wait to finally cuddle this little guy. Though I don't know how much of a cuddler he will be! He has gotten so big now that we can clearly see legs, feet, and knees pressing against my belly. He likes to stick his foot out so his Daddy can grab it and hold it for a few seconds. Matt lets go and then Harrison sticks his foot right back out. They go on and on for quite awhile until mommy (me) suggests a timeout for my sore tummy's sake! :) We are having a blast at his little antics and frequent tumblings across my belly.Here is the beautiful crib from Grandpa and Grandma Clark! So soon we will be laying Harrison down to sleep in it. Isn't it amazing? We feel so blessed to have it. It has been so much fun to go into his room and just touch his crib and look at it; knowing very soon we will be using it! Don't you just love the awesome football rug?We hope to continue with a sports theme. We are just going to go all out boy! Matt has already been planning what sports to teach Harrison first. So far on the list are golf, football, baseball, basketball, and tennis. At least Harrison already feels active enough to play with his Dad soon! :)

Tomorrow is my next midwife appointment and hopefully I will get permission to drive again. It is always fun to go to my appointments and listen to Harrison's heartbeat on the doppler and get the latest measurements of his rapidly growing home! Hard to believe only a few more weeks and we get to weigh and measure him outside my tummy!


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