I have officially been on bed rest for four weeks now. The time has not gone by as slow as I thought it would and I think that is has helped to have a lot of exciting things like Christmas and New Years. We have been living with Matt's parents for the past two weeks. It was easier for Matt to have someone be with me all the time while he was at work so he would not worry about me or Harrison. I think these past few weeks have been really helpful to the Dad to be as he has been able to rest and not worry so much. His family has been a blessing and I feel spoiled rotten by all they have done for us!

The coolest thing ever happened on Sunday! Still on bed rest, I was wondering how I was going to prepare for Harrison not being able to go out and buy things I needed. I was getting a little overwhelmed thinking about all that needs to be done and set up before his arrival, especially if he does come early! But Matt and I were blessed beyond words! We were given a surprise shower! It was so neat and I felt so encouraged and loved by the outpouring of support and blessings from family and friends. We received so many needed items for Harrison and I was almost speechless as to how I could express my gratitude and joy! Matt and I felt truly blown away by God's awesome provision even for a little life not yet born. I can't wait to tell Harrison about how his Heavenly Father provided for him starting before his first breath. I know this little guy will be used for His glory and that there is a mighty plan for His life. I've felt that since before I knew he was on his way, but God's grace, provisons, and guidance through this pregnancy has reiterated that again and again. Harrison's little life is already singing God's praises and he has already been used to teach his mom and dad more about contentment, peace, and the joy of the Lord!
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