We can hardly believe it! Today officially marks the halfway point of this pregnancy! It is amazing at how fast the time has gone and how much our baby has developed and grown. Our little one is now ten inches long and weighs ten ounces! That is incredible seeing just a few short weeks ago our baby weighed barely an once! Well, at least that explains my ever expanding belly and new to our baby's resume, its kicking ability. Yeah, our baby is a star kicker already making waves across my tummy, and on top of my vital organs. :) Our little one provides us with nightly entertainments of making my tummy poke and jump with its kicks and flips. It also seems our baby loves church! Every Sunday baby dances and squirms through the praise music and kicks for the whole sermon. It is hard not to laugh at all its antics during church, but sure does tune me into God's creation bringing praise to Him even if the baby can't use words yet!
This is a VERY exciting week! Not only is it the halfway mark, which we celebrated with a wonderful date at a favorite lunch spot today, but it also includes a very important midwife visit this week. That's right, it's the week of the long anticipated ultrasound! By Friday night we will know whether this little one is to be wrapped in pink or blue! I have no words to describe our excitement. Like I told Matt, it's like one long Christmas Eve this week. I can't sleep leading up to it, because I'm so excited! I know Thursday night will be very difficult to drift off and Friday I will be counting the minutes until our late afternoon appointment. But Matt and I decided we will have to go buy something gender specific next weekend, just for fun, because we can then! We can't wait! We are pr
aying our baby cooperates for the ultrasound. We told the baby this is the only time in its life it can show off! :) We just can't wait to be able to say he or she about our baby and to start thinking about names! It will also be neat just to "see" our baby for the first time and watch its movements on the screen. I can't wait to see its little profile and hands and feet! I think I will be in complete awe, crying, or a mix of tons of these kinds of emotions. Matt and I talk about it every day as the appointment gets closer, just very thankful we live in an era where ultrasound provides a way we can enjoy a window into our baby's world. As you can tell, we are very excited for Friday, so you can pray this week goes by quick!

Keep a look out here on Friday night! We will post the news of our arriving blessing and let everyone know whether we are having a little girl or a little boy!
Baby, we are praying for you, we love you, and we are so excited to "see" you on Friday!
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