Home Sweet School 2018

I'm just going to start off by saying, yes, we started school today. Yes, we got out the text books, pencils, and art supplies. But we aren't about to just write off the rest of summer. The whole point to starting our school year when we do is so we can take off on any day we just feel like it. Also, when school is done by noon, we have the rest of the summer day for water play, popsicles, hiking, and frog catching. 
So we officially launched our 2018-2019 school year with a back-to-school laser tag war and donut celebration this past weekend. Then this morning my 4th grader, 2nd grader, kindergartener, and princess grader, stepped into the school room to grow another year smarter and several inches taller I'm sure. 
This is my 4th grader. That hurts to type out. He was literally just sounding out the word "sat" a few weeks ago right?! Now he's launching into quotients and ratios and writing term papers on the Civil War. 
His favorite subject is history. He hates having a to write a lot. He loves playing review games and doing science experiments. He plans on using his education to one day be a real life Tony Stark by inventing incredible tech that will help a lot of people with disabilities or weapons that could be used by our military to defend our country and keep our soldiers safer. He wants to use an invention to get a full scholarship so he can go to college for engineering. He and Jeff want to go to the same college so they can be in the same dorm room and stay up late eating nachos and watching Avengers.  
This is my second grader, going on 10th grade easily. He loves cracking silly jokes and creating stunt routines but don't let that distract you about how incredibly brilliant he is. His mind just gets numbers and he could not be more excited about cracking open his math book each day. In fact, today alone he did several days worth because he didn't want to to stop. This year he is looking forward to learning division and starting social studies. 
He plans on using his education to be a pre-med student in just over ten years from now, what?! He wants to learn all he can about the brain and how it works and how to reach parts of its potential that current doctors haven't discovered. He wants to use this knowledge to help kids in war torn areas that have gone through trauma. This kid has a huge heart and is always planning for his future and how to help kids one day. 
This is my kindergartner. He is learning to read, add, and master the art of leaning back in his chair at the school table. He loves hands on activities. He does not sit still for any time period so learning is extremely tactile and involves a lot of jumping, throwing, yelling, and stomping. Which is a good thing we don't have neighbors right through attached walls anymore because they'd probably think we were running a martial arts studio. 
Currently Wilson wants to use his education to be Black Panther, Hulk, Iron Man, or Batman one day. He's still debating on which hero. His gifts and talents include making friends with anyone we interact with on a daily basis. He has never met a stranger and has such an incredible way with people. I can't wait to see how God uses this. He has great handwriting, loves experiments, and is the biggest snack break fan I know. 
This is my princess grader. She is studying the color pink, how to write with a pink pencil, how to erase with a pink eraser, how to color with pink, and how to count with pink cotton balls. She loves pretending to read but would rather curl up in my lap for a Fancy Nancy story or a princess book. She loves twirling, dancing, singing, and playing dress-up. She loves holding the flag for the pledge of allegiance, jumping on the alphabet mat, and Bible time. 
One day she wants to be a princess. She wants to get married and have a sparkly ring. She wants to sing and dance in a movie. She wants to be a cowgirl with a pink horse and have a pink puppy. She is a feisty, giggly, dreamer, and is very aware of things going on around her. She loves to help in the kitchen and is already very good at getting out the right measuring cups and measuring spoons. I know God has great things planned for this prissy princess. 
Happy 2018-2019 school year my awesome little Clarks. Let's do this! 


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