7th Heaven
If at first you don't believe, try, try again.
I definitely did not believe the little blue line, or the second one, so off to the store for more tests.

You'd think by this point I'd have the general idea of how a pregnancy test works, but when the number "5" is circling in your head like a shark, your mind starts wondering odd things like, is there an app for parenting a small tribe?
But those little blue lines still kept popping up, and soon odd things like my morning cup of coffee leaving me nauseous or falling asleep during Paw Patrol with my three year old, and then there was no denying it, I must be getting the flu.
But my midwife begged to differ and when all six of us crowded into a dark room to watch a screen we saw that incredible little baby with little hands and little feet and the life screaming flicker in the middle of its chest.
And then suddenly it was seven of us in that room; Matt and I, the cheering big brothers, the now big sister, and the tiny new baby God hand picked for our tribe, I mean family.
I won't deny the shock, but neither can I deny the incredible love and protection we already have for this little one. We are in awe of each of our FIVE kids and soaking in our own 7th Heaven.
Baby5 Coming February 2017!
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