Shopping, Baby Kicks, & Swearing In

We just had a whirlwind of a weekend, but it was an incredible one! We headed up late Saturday night to stay with Matt's family and go to church on Sunday. It was great to hang out and spend some time with family. Sunday afternoon was very eventful in two different ways! For me I was completely blessed and awed by the grandmothers and some of the aunts to be. We went out shopping for a maternity dress, but by the end of the trip I came home with dozens of cute maternity outfits and dresses! Thanks to our families I was gifted with a whole wardrobe! I am blown away by God's provision. Matt and I were trying to figure where budgeting for maternity clothes fits in, but God even cares about providing for this little one with clothes for its mommy's growing tummy! We feel truly blessed by our families' gift of this shopping trip. I've already been enjoying the clothes every day and feel so much more comfortable!
The other eventful thing that occurred on Sunday involved Matt. He decided to go play football with the uncle to be and ended up playing his heart out, well at least his ankle out! He came home with an ankle swollen, blue, and unable to support him. Now this would have been ok to handle except for Matt had a big event on Monday morning. Yep, Dad to be was getting officially sworn into the State Supreme Court and he could not even walk! That's why I love Matt, he makes life fun and full of unknowns! I know our baby will love its full of life Daddy!
Despite his limping, Matt was sworn in and it was really neat to see the culmination of all that Matt has been working for. We feel truly blessed by how awesome our God has been and we give Him all the glory! The picture is of Matt and me right before the ceremony. After the court session we celebrated with Matt's family. His parents took everyone to one of Matt's favorite restaurants and it was just a neat time of relaxing and enjoying all he had worked so hard for.
Well, our baby is definitely growing and wanting his presence to be made known. I feel more and more movement each week. This week I've been able to feel an occasional definite kick making me almost laugh out loud because it is just such an incredible feeling. Try as we might, our tricky little baby always stops moving the minute one of us puts a hand to my tummy to feel! Well, at least we know that very soon we will be able to feel all the kicks we want. Each week is just so exciting to see God's creation at work. Our little one is almost 6 inches long and weighs anywhere from 5-6 oz. That is just amazing! Oh, the official date we have our ultra-sound is November 21! We'll know in 23 days whether to think pink or blue!
I love that little baby and its mom and dad! I cant wait to meet him or her!