Happy birthday Madison! It is always so much to celebrate your special days filled with pink and sparkles and all things princess! Your personality shines through all you love including your birthday interview. So without further ado...

What is your favorite color: Pink, all pinks, like all of them, and some purple and some yellow
What is your favorite thing to play: My dolls, Mirabelle and Chiffon

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch: Pepperoni and cheese, like the swirl one (colby jack)
What is your favorite thing to wear: Dresses; I really love long dresses, or sparkly dresses, or twirl dresses

What's your favorite thing to play outside: I love playing in my fairy garden, the sand box, swimming in the pool, exploring the woods and making a secret playhouse, and the trampoline; I love jumping and bouncing on the trampoline
What's your favorite holiday: Christmas and my birthday
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Well, when it's a special treat breakfast then donuts, but regular days I love oatmeal and cinnamon cereal or toast
What is your favorite movie: Moana or Rapunzle (Tangled)
What do you want to be when you grow up: A princess, well, I'm already a princess, but I want to have my own castle with a tower. I also want to be a ballerina and play the piano
"Mom, can we add a new question?"
"The question is: What is your favorite hairstyle? And I would say 'long'!
What is your favorite fruit: Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries, oh and cotton candy grapes.
What is your favorite song: I Love to Tell the Story, Standing on the Promises, Who You Say I Am, and Hosannah from Donut Man
Who is your best friend: Can I have lots of friends?
Then all my aunts and uncles and cousins, my Mimi and Poppa and Grandma and Grandpa, my brothers, and my Mommy and Daddy.
What is your favorite animal: Doggies, kitties, lion cubs, and uh a giraffe
What is your favorite thing to drink: Cherry coke and oat milk
What is your favorite book: Fancy Nancy books, Princess Sisters Treasury Books, Berenstain Bears books
What is your birthday meal: A Princess picnic, the one from the Anna and Elsa book (berries, breads, sandwiches with frilly toothpicks, tea with real sugar cubes, and chocolates)
What is your favorite special treat: Ice cream (vanilla with sprinkles and gummy candy), cotton candy, and donuts
If you could travel anywhere in the World where would you go: Disney World, Disney Springs, Florida, all the beaches there, and of course, Paris!
What is your favorite Sword (Bible verse): I have two; Joshua 1:9 because when I feel scared or alone, like at nighttime, I say this and it makes me feel braver or when someone is mean to me at a playground or something I say this verse and it helps me not be sad or scared of the meaness but bold because Jesus is with me!
And my second verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 It's one of the first 'long' ones I memorized when I was little and I loved saying "paths straight" over and over but now I know trusting God will always keep my paths straight!
What is your favorite Bible account: I like learning things from the Bible, like learning about faith and how without faith, we (Christians) would be like fish out of water, we wouldn't work like that. But for stories I really like learning about Jesus...
...I like hearing how He was born in a manger and growing up. I like learning about Him dying on the cross and rising again. I know He took my place so I don't have to die like that because of sin. He took all the sin! And He didn't stay dead, He's alive!
Madison you are truly a joy; A gift of a daughter I never knew I needed until there was you! Your role in this family is special and planned by a Father who knew how much you would touch each of your parents and your adoring brothers both younger and older.
You are kind, tenderhearted, bursting at the seems with emotion and passion for big dreams and life itself. You love pink sunsets and mud puddles, picking flowers and roasting marshmallows. You love a good bubble bath, reading books, keeping your room clean and bed made, and have an infinity for vanilla ice cream.
You wear your heart on your sleeve and have a hard time accepting your weaknesses; but you never give up. Your tenacity and perseverance is inspiring and I pray you always continue to let it blossom in you. You are tender to the Holy Spirit and frequently tell us about praying for someone that came to your mind, even if it was in the middle of the night. You love singing old hymns, science experiments, mixing and creating (otherwise known as making messes), and baby animals of all kinds, hourly begging for a furry pet of your own.
You easily dive into the world of action figures and Star Wars to be alongside your brothers and then retreat to your world of princesses and nail polish to get a "girly" refill. You dance and sing and truly are every bit our real princess as you belong to the King of kings.
Madison, I am so very thankful for you and that I get to be your mom. We are so proud of the young lady you're becoming and the way you strive to be more like Jesus. I know God will use your sweet heart for His glory if your continue to 'trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.'
Happy 7th Birthday Madison!
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