Jefferson's Decade Birthday Interview!
This amazing guy has officially entered double digits! We're celebrating in full force around here which means it's time for the traditional birthday interview!
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite thing to play: Wii, Legos, and Magnaformers
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Donuts, bacon, sausage, and eggs
What is your favorite song: Raise a Hallelujah, Power in the Name, Angel Armies
What is your favorite thing to play outside: Swimming in the pool and target practice with Dad
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch: Grilled cheese, I make a really good one with rye bread and cheddar
What is your favorite book: Farmer Boy, Dude Perfect Trick Shots, and Lego Star Wars Dictionary
What is your favorite thing to sleep with: Uh, I guess my pillow, can't really sleep without that!
What do you want to be when you grow up: A doctor, not sure which area yet. I like pediatrics, but neurology sounds really neat too.
Who is your best friend: My family, and Jaden and Asher
What is your favorite holiday: Hmmm, Christmas
What is your favorite TV Show: Lab Rats, Mighty Med, Kickin' It, stuff like that.
What is your favorite animal: A lion or a cheetah
What is your birthday meal: For lunch berries and pigs in a blanket. For dinner, Chipotle!
What is your favorite fruit: Watermelon is my top but blueberries are really good too!
What is your favorite thing to drink: Dr. Pepper, root beer, coffee, and hot chocolate
What is your favorite special treat: Go ahead and put Sour Patch Kids for sure, I like sour powder candy you can lick, and ice cream, you can add that.
What is your favorite movie: Star Wars, Avengers, Transformers
What is your favorite game: Monopoly, Life, Risk, Millbourne
If you could travel anywhere, were would you go: Disney World and Hawaii
What is your favorite Bible story: When Jesus rose from the dead. It shows us God's power over death and how He defeated it. Because of that we can have eternal life with Him in Heaven.
What is your favorite Bible verse: Hebrews 4:12 because I like how it describes God's word; it isn't just words, it's a weapon!
Dear Jefferson, ten years ago when we held you for the first time we knew you were a gift! You're compassionate and aware of others, give your best and last, and serve in secret. You love God so whole heartedly it inspires me to grow deeper as well! You are constantly learning new spiritual truths and love sharing what you've discovered. You are dedicated to reach your goals and give it your all to accomplish them.
You are so patient with your siblings and an amazing teacher. You have a quick wit and dry humor that leaves us all in stitches. You have a sweet tooth the size of Texas yet you would eat your weight in raw string beans and berries if you could. You are a sharp shooter, honing your target practice skills and love a good action movie.
You are an incredible young man and I am in awe as I watch the choices you make and the paths you choose. I know God will use your gentle spirit, helping hands, and calming presence in mighty ways. You are a very special young man and I couldn't be more proud to call you my son! We love you forever and always!
Happy 10th birthday Jefferson!
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