Happy 12th Birthday!
Last year on his birthday, the grocery store shelves were empty, people went crazy trying to find toilet paper, the world was shut down and no one knew what the next year would bring. We certainly didn't think one year later would find us wearing masks, social distancing, and watching a virus effect more than just physical health. But in spite of the unknowns, the guidelines and mask mandates, we have so much to celebrate in the 12 years of this young man we get to call son!
So without further adieu, I give to you, the annual birthday interview...
What's your favorite thing to eat for lunch: Hotdogs and my new invention, pepperoni rolls or pepperoni sticks. I haven't decided on the name yet. But I make them with tortillas and pepperoni, and provolone cheese.
What is your favorite thing to play outside: basketball and swimming in the pool
What is your favorite holiday: All holidays are fun but mostly Christmas and my birthday!
What is your favorite thing to sleep with: My airplane
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Hole-In-Ones and bacon *breaks out in rap ode to bacon*
What is your favorite TV show: Mandolorian
What's your favorite movie: Star Wars, all of them, all of the Avengers, and Transformers
What is your favorite fruit: Kiwi and Mango
Who's your best friend: My brothers and Jaden
What is your favorite animal: Baby Yoda *Laughs* But serisouly, sharks
What is your favorite drink: Root beer and Kombucha
What is your favorite special treat: Cake, I mean is a birthday classic. But not birthday related I like rice krispie treats.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go: Back to Disney World to Galaxy's Edge. I'd do everything again, all the rides, all the stores and buildings, eat more tip yip and blue milk, and green milk, build another light saber. I just want to experience it again and again. It never gets old.
What is your favorite Bible verse/sword: Leviticus 26:6, always has been and probably always will. It helps me know that even when I'm scared or most vulnerable God is with me.
What is your favorite Biblical Account: Jesus' death on the cross. That whole Good Friday was horrible but it was all about life even though most people see death.

You love messing with your siblings but you would never allow anyone else to lay a finger on them. You protect your family fiercely. And even in your armor and bold escapades, you always soften to read a book to your siblings or teach a new skill. You are quick to come to my aid without being asked if you see me working. You've even kept laundry going and completed other home tasks, going above and beyond normal chores, just because you knew it needed to be done or see I have a busy day. You have a heart of gratefulness and adventure. I respect how you identify your weaknesses and strive to work on them, asking us for prayer as you do. You are sensitive to the Holy Spirit and always follow His leading.
You are an amazing young man and I only grow more proud of you as I get the honor of watching you grow each year. Without a doubt we know God has great things in store for you. We love you Harrison!
Happy 12th Birthday and may you continue to grow in wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.
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