The Baby is Four!
It's not anyone's first choice to wake up on their birthday feeling puny, but on the other hand; laying around watching your favorite movies and eating your favorite foods does make for a good way to spend your day.
Even with feeling rough, Washington was all about his birthday interview. He wanted to make sure he got to answer his birthday questions and then semi-obliged me with some pictures to document this fourth birthday.
So without further adieu...
The official:
Washington"s 4th Birthday Interview
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite thing to play: Play with my new concrete truck
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Waffles
What is your favorite song: Happy birthday song, that one!
What is your favorite thing to do outside: Swim in the pool
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch: Pickles
What is your favorite book: Monster Truck book, Green Eggs and Ham, Go Dogs, GO
What is your favorite thing to sleep with: My whale-whale and my dragon
What do you want to be when you grow up: I don't know. I just don't know.

Who is your best friend: My whale-whale, my sister, and my brothers
What is your favorite holiday: my birthday
What is your favorite thing to watch on TV: Dragons (Rescue Riders)
What is your favorite animal: Lizards
What is your favorite fruit: Bananas
What is your favorite thing to drink: Juice pouches and emergen-C
What is your favorite special treat: Popsicles
What is your favorite movie: Lion King!
What is your favorite game: Many Questions
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go: Disney World!
What is your favorite story in the Bible: When baby Jesus was born!
What is your favorite sword (Bible verse): Psalm 119:18, Open my eyes one.
Dear Washington, what a treasure and a joy you are to our family! From the first moment we knew of your existence, to this very afternoon, you have been leaving smiles on our faces and pounding of our hearts. You are mischievous and a risk taker. You are loud and you are cuddly. You sing at the top of your lungs and love sneaking snacks from the pantry. You smile so big your eyes disappear into crescent moons and make anyone around melt into helpless puddles. You love superheroes, homemade bread, mud puddles, and jumping off high things. You love adventure and testing the boundaries, you love wearing Nike clothes because you love the "swoosh". Your siblings all still call you "Baby" and treat you like it and you don't mind in the least, for now.
You love God and talking about how He protects you and has a plan for you; you love reminding us by saying, "God's plan!" And I love that it was God's plan to create you into our family. We are smitten by you, proud of you, and in love with you.
Happy 4th birthday Washington Clark! We love you!
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